Automotive, transport, and logistics

The use of multimodal sensors allows surrounding recognition of vehicles and the monitoring of their indoor environment. This modern technology allows a wide range of applications based on the automatic evaluation and linking of the collected images and sensor data. The challenge lies in the development of intelligent analysis systems, which can reliably construct semantics from the measured data in real-time. The same is true with systems for traffic monitoring, as well as robot and agent control in autonomous logistics systems. In addition to the actual image and data analysis, real external conditions such as bad weather, day-to-night changes, light and shadows, multiple overlaps, etc., must be compensated. We are specialized in such applications and are glad to support you with state-of-the-art solutions in this area.

We develop software for you in the following areas:

  • Driver assistance systems
  • Intelligent transport systems and traffic analysis
  • Robot control and autonomous driving

Relevant topics in these areas are:

  • Detection, classification and tracking of traffic
  • Identification of lane and roadside
  • Detection of clearances and obstacles
  • Traffic sign detection
  • Recognition of vehicle registration numbers
  • Visualization of information from Augmented Reality
  • Vehicle theft and break-in detection
  • Assessment of drivers' state
  • Traffic count
  • Traffic flow analysis and accident detection
  • Visualization of traffic scenes
  • 3D surrounding reconstruction
    Real-time detection of clearances and 3D obstacles for driver assistance systems
    Real-time vehicle detection and tracking, including speed and direction estimation
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