Today image-based diagnostics and documentation are mainly digitalized. This offers many possibilities for image enhancement and computer-assisted evaluation. In this area, particularly large amounts of data are used, which is aggravated by the presence of a wide range of formats. In addition, for the successful development of suitable image analysis strategies, medical expertise and a feeling for the special features of non-technical data are needed. Based on the image evaluation, the shapes of body parts and medical structures can also be obtained. Therefore, high-quality individual prostheses and implants, as well as training and learning objects, can be constructed. Through our product development in these areas, we provide the necessary expertise for all of these tasks and, of course, also have experience with the potentially necessary certification processes.
We develop software for you in the following areas:
Implants and prostheses
Relevant topics in these areas are:
Segmentation of volume data (CT, MRT, ultrasound, PET, etc.)
Body and organ 3D visualization
Design of individual implants and prostheses
Optical analysis and improvement of endoscopic images
Optical analysis and improvement of histological images